The front gate to our greens has SALTO KS electronic access control. Members use their phone as the key to open the gate. Your phone will need to be a reasonably current smart phone. We have had a few issues with the system, so some members have old keys that still work. But that is only temporary. If you are at the club and not able to gain access you can phone one of our Access Administrators, Michael Meehan 0419 743 122, Ken Eldridge 0401 385 366, or Ian Bramstedt 0408 640 252, who can remotely open the gate.
The next steps for you to get electronic access via your phone are as follows:
- You should receive an email from SALTO KS (check you junk folder and note that it will refer to Manningham Council). If not, contact one of the above administrators and ask for an invite.
- Follow the instructions and links in the email to create your account.
- Download free SALTO KS app onto your phone (Apple Store or Play Store).
- Log-in to accept a digital key for the greens gate.
- If email link has expired: Open SALTO KS app on phone. Enter your email address. Then click on “forgot password”. You should receive a new email with a new link to reset your password. Open that email on your phone, click on link, and it should take you through the registration process.
- To open front gate, open the SALTO KS app on your phone and click on “DIGITAL KEY”.
- Hold your phone flat onto the black SALTO reader on the far right of gate.
- The reader should flash orange then green to open the lock.
- When you shut the gate, the lock will automatically lock.
- When leaving you do not need a key or phone to open gate from the inside.
- For members who cannot get the Salto KS app working or do not have a suitable phone, please contact an Access Administrator to be issued with a code, which can be entered into the keypad to open the gate. The council wants us to restrict the issuing of codes to only essential cases.
The bowls shed has a combination lock. The current code is 3111.
Please contact an Access Administrator if you have any queries